Back-to-School Professional Development

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Genesis: Pathways to Success, East Indiana Area Health Education Center, and Dr. Beth Trammell of Make Words Matter For Good have collaborated to develop three K-12 educator professional development modules to address student and educator concerns around returning to school for the 2020-2021 academic year in light of COVID-19.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the abrupt end to in-person schooling last spring, and events on the national stage, back to school 2020 will be an unprecedented and challenging time for Southeastern Indiana teachers, students, and families. With this in mind, leaders from several school corporations in the region reached out to Genesis: Pathways to Success with the idea of developing some professional development modules that local teachers can utilize to feel a little more prepared for the challenges they will face this August.

In total, there are three professional development modules - each will involve about 20-30 minutes of engagement time.  Upon completion of the three modules, there is a mechanism for teachers to receive a certificate of completion for professional growth point documentation.

Additionally, we will offer virtual Q&A events with professionals such as psychologists, social workers, and other experts from our region for educators who complete these modules to attend as a source of additional information and support once the 2020-2021 academic year gets underway.

We believe the three modules are most effective when teachers work with a partner or group of coworkers who will dig deeper into the topics together.

Southeastern Indiana educators whose school corporations are utilizing these modules may sign up to access the modules here.

Counselors, administrators, or teacher leads who are coordinating the use of these modules in their school can utilize this page to navigate directly to module content (but please still sign up as a user via the webform above if you haven’t already).

Educators who have already completed the sign-up form but need to return to access the modules can do so by clicking here.

For questions about the modules please email


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