Training Future Healthcare Professionals At Camp Scrubs and Stethoscopes

Over the course of 3 days, students gathered at Margaret Mary Hospital in Batesville to experience the ins and outs of healthcare professions. During their voyage of the medicinal world, students got to actively participate in its various facets. From taking vital signs to inserting tracheostomy tubes, the students participated in a unique experience like no other.

During camp, students received a tour of Margaret Mary Hospital, introducing them to all of the aspects of healthcare Margaret Mary Health offers. From radiology to obstetrics to general practice, the students saw first hand the variety of pathways available to them in healthcare. Along with this brief survey, campers were able to meet doctors and nurses in these different areas and gain deeper insight into their area of expertise. 

Not only did the students get to meet healthcare professionals and see the different facets of the healthcare world, they also got to gain practical experience in these fields. For example, students were able to perform an ultrasound on a thyroid! The young physicians scanned a neck and were able to see the thyroid, the esophagus, and the different veins and arteries. They also got to hear and see the blood flow through them. Furthermore, students were able to perform an intubation on a mannequin! They operated a laryngoscope, inserted an endotracheal tube, and used an Ambu bag. Along with this, students were able to participate in a simulation lab where they had to respond to alert signs given by a robotic mannequin. Through these experiences, students learned the specifics of healthcare professions, while also gaining vital experience in the field.

Along with gaining this experience, students learned skills valuable in society. One of these skills is CPR. Practicing on dummies, the students learned the ratio of compressions to breaths, the rate of compressions per minute, and the depth of compressions on both adults and babies. In addition to this, campers learned how to perform the heimlich maneuver on adults and babies. By learning these skills, not only do the students learn the emergency responses of healthcare professionals, they also gain vital skills that can be applied in their day to day lives.

When asked about their favorite part of Camp Scrubs and Stethoscopes, Reece Busch, an incoming 5th grader at Jac-Cen-Del stated, “I liked the CPR station the most because now I know how to help someone if I’m ever in an emergency.” Teaching students CPR and other life saving actions allows them to gain the confidence necessary in emergency situations. They now know how to perform CPR, thus making them more apt to react quickly when someone needs help. Furthermore, these skills are able to stay with them as they age and encourage them to remain up to date on life saving techniques.

Camp Scrubs and Stethoscopes also included fun, energetic activities. Students participated in a series of relay races including: wheelchair races, bedpan races, and first aid relays. Combined with the instructional activities, these relays allowed the campers to apply the crucial skills they learned throughout camp through enjoyable activities.

Furthermore, this camp has had a tremendous impact on Margaret Mary Health as well. When asked about this camp’s impact, Liz Leising, CEO of Margaret Mary Health, stated, “Margaret Mary Health was thrilled to partner with Genesis for this camp. It has been incredible to witness the constant curiosity and interest about healthcare from these students. This enthusiasm reminds those of us who are surrounded by this line of work daily to remain interested and curious about the profession. We are proud to support their journey and look forward to helping provide other unique opportunities that foster their interest in healthcare.”

Genesis: Pathways to Success would like to thank Margaret Mary Health for graciously partnering with us for Camp Scrubs and Stethoscopes. Through their ceaseless dedication and commitment, the students were provided with a hands-on distinctive experience that will help shape their future. Genesis looks forward to hosting Camp Scrubs and Stethoscopes again in the summer of 2025.


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