Welcome to the STEAM Train, Clarice!

Clarice Patterson - Headshot Photograph Cropped.png

Genesis: Pathways to Success is proud to announce that a new member is officially joining the team! Clarice Patterson will be serving as the Outreach and Communication Liaison for Genesis and the Ripley County Community Foundation. As a 2017 graduate of South Ripley High School and a 2020 graduate of Hanover College with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication and a member of the Business Scholars Program, Clarice is so happy to be with us. She says, “I started as an Marketing Intern with the Ripley County Community in August of 2019. Since that time, I’ve developed a passion for marketing and communication for the Genesis Program. One of the best parts of my role includes working with Mama Genesis, an inspirational and fearless leader.”

As the Outreach and Communication Liaison, Clarice’s role includes establishing and promoting new relationships for community development, managing the Community Foundation’s grants, and creating marketing content for the Genesis program. In her free time, Clarice loves the opportunity to travel domestically and internationally and is fond of the education experience, regarding plants and animals, when visiting zoos and aquariums.


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